ManagementRecom Sid S.A. Management Recom Sid S.A. Irina HărăuCEO Georgeta ZanelaCFO Anca VoicaMarketing department Adrian BadalanMarketing department Adrian MarincescuQuality management Georgeta GostianCommercial department Simona VaidaTehnical department Claudiu VasilescuSteel structures fabrication Emil AdafinoaieiSteel structures fabrication Fabian BucurRepairing and installation Phone numbers: Company secretary: Tel.: +40254 207 022, +40722 296 362" Fax: +40254 207 022 Address Piața Iancu de Hunedoara Street, No. 1 Postal code 331 031, Hunedoara, Romania Email: We reply in the shortest time possible: We use the information supplied in this form strictly to communicate with you. Send S.C. Recom Sid S.A. Piața Iancu de Hunedoara Streetpostal code 331 031,Hunedoara, Romania company secretary Phone: +40254 207 022,+40722 296.362 Fax: +40254 207 022 commercial department E-mail